Restaurant Reviews Project

Restaurant Reviews Project

Udacity Mobile Web Specialist

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The final project for my Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree. The assignment started as a basic restaurant reviews website but the code had a lot of issues. It was barely usable on a desktop browser, much less a mobile device. It also didn't include any standard accessibility features, and it didn't work offline at all. My job was to update the code to resolve these issues while still maintaining the included functionality. This happened in three stages.

First, I took a static design that lacked accessibility and converted it to be both mobile responsive and accessible for screen readers. I also added a service worker to begin the process of creating a seamless offline experience for users. Next, I added a database and improved the app's performance. Finally, I added functionality for posting reviews and toggling favorites for various restaurants.

All of my added features are available offline and sync with the server when connectivity is available, producing a seamless, app-like experience. As per the assignment, I completed all tasks using only native browser APIs.

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